The Cosmognosis




Cosmosh-Sean Oracle


CosmicEssence of the Casbah

The Casbahs of Morocco are not Arab cities but rather the remains of ancient proto-Rome/proto-Carthage events where Arabic speaking people dwell.

Living by candle light, the daemons of electricity shrink and go away while the daemons of an ancient here and now grow until there is no difference between now/now and now/three thousand years ago.

These ancient dwelling places have no beginning and no end. They are like you and I – very none linear

As you go from noon to midnight, different daemons inhabit your experience of space and time, and if you stay up late enough you can experience yourself as you are three thousand years ago

But how is this you say – I m here and now – but in fact you are all of your yesterwhen and future be all at once – with now an infinitesimal instant that is so short it essentially may not exist

For example, when you are stoned, you become transformed into a stonedness that pervades all of your normalness with something which is the same for all men of all time everywhere

And when you are not stoned, your are pervaded with this normalness that is the same for all man

This normalness is the essence of self – a faceless – shapeless self that is traveling through the Universe that can be experienced so easily in the bare nakedness of a midnight casbah

This is me – this is who I am – I am the cosmic force of the Casbahgnosis